Well, I haven't posted for a couple days due to the painful and time consuming project I have been working on. Potty training. Yes, those are two words that would strike fear into any mother. Not only am I potty training, but I am potty training a boy. A boy that is as strong willed as any boy I've ever met.
We tried starting the potty training a couple months ago without much success. Brody just did NOT care! He didn't care if he went into a diaper or that he is such a big kid that he wakes up wet every morning even in a size 6 diaper. He didn't care if we took away his favorite stuffed animal or if we gave him his favorite treat.
But, some things you just have to deal with. Unfortunately, this is one of those things. So, the last three and a half days have been consumed with toilets, treats, toilets, practice runs, toilets, oh, and some Easter celebrating. We had a great Easter Sunday too. :)
Here is a painting of my big boy, Brody, from about a year ago. He is an even bigger boy now that he's going on the big boy potty. We are accident free on day four... Here's hoping that it stays that way!